Discuss practice group and law firm leadership and growth strategies with practice group chairs and managing partners.


Monthly meetings to discuss practice group and law firm leadership strategy, business development tactics and tools, firm operations, the professionals involved, attracting and retaining staff and lawyers, and future trends. Attendees can benefit by sharing ideas and strategies on law firm leadership while expanding and deepening their professional relationships with each other.


Attendees and members are law firm leaders, such as Managing Partners, Practice Group Chairs, Office Managing Partners, CEOs and COOs of law firms. We invite no more than one member to join from each state in each practice area.

Practice areas include, but are not limited to:

Business Law
Commercial Litigation Law
Intellectual Property Law
Immigration Law
Bankruptcy Law
Employment Law
Family Law
Real Estate Law
Healthcare Law
Insurance Law
Tax Law
Personal Injury Law

We can have multiple firms as members in the same practice area and multiple firms from the same state, just not multiple firms in the same practice area and state/region.


No more than one member firm from each professional category in each state of the US or Province of Canada.

Texas and California will be divided into six regions; Northern California, Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio/Austin.

We welcome attendees from any other country as well.

Monthly video conference meeting

Third Wednesday of each month:

12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)



per month


 First two meetings are complimentary.


per month

Sponsorships limited to one per category

(does not include membership)


Managing Partners, Practice Group Chairs, Office Managing Partners and CEO/COO leaders of firms; those leading teams of other attorneys.

It is for law firm leaders to share ideas about practice group and firm growth. There is no portion of the meeting for the “30 second elevator pitch.” The focus starts with and stays with leadership and management. Referrals to other members are secondary and only organic.

In this professionally-moderated forum we follow a past, present, and future agenda. First we discuss past firm growth efforts briefly, then most of the meeting focuses on current efforts and issues related to firm growth, then we wrap up discussing future trends and opportunities.

Access to meetings beyond the two allowed meetings for guests, category exclusivity per state/region, private Linkedin group access, and follow up emails from each meeting with discussion details and contact information of sponsors, members and guests.

Sponsors limited to one per category, images and details featured in the promotional materials for the events in emails, calendar invitations, event registration pages, the website and Linkedin.

Practice group and firm growth strategies, leadership ideas, operational efficiency, hiring strategy updates, practice management software and tools, and business development strategy.


Please contact Jeff Tockman, JD/MBA, the group meeting moderator, with questions or to be a guest.

Jeff has moderated over 2,500 events for legal, financial, and tax firms over the last 20 years.

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